Thursday, August 28, 2008

I have done this little cycle with all 8 of mine, so it’s not a fluke (after two or three, I could have thought it was a fluke, but after eight, I don’t see that it’s just luck…) I always start nursing them on a schedule from day one because my newborns are so sleepy that I have to wake them to feed them anyway. By the time they are more wakeful- voila!- they are used to eating, then being awake a little while, then sleeping until the next feeding.

The key, really, is the cycle: Eat, Wake, Sleep. My newborns have a hard time with the “Wake” part, so I usually just try to keep them awake for five or ten minutes after a half hour or so of nursing. Baby goes back to sleep and is awakened by me to feed 2 1/2 to 3 hours later.

- Kendra of Preschoolers and Peace

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